Sunday mornings at 10:30
It’s all to easy to be led by the heat of the moment in a turbulent situation. Little shades of compromise
can seem appealing. The challenge, however, is to respond out of a deep love for God and to be totally committed to God’s way of doing things. In this teaching series, we will be focusing on how to walk in God’s will even when our circumstances and our environment are difficult. Since the Bible says that it's God’s will that we be holy, it’s imperative that we know what that looks like in a Stormy World. We invite you to come and be encouraged by God's Word.
Go deeper in discipleship and church community in one of our life groups.
Sunday mornings 9:15AM
at Valley View
Third Saturdays 7:30AM
at Biscuits Cafe
10:00AM at Valley View
9:00AM on Zoom
Sunday mornings
9:00AM at Valley View
2nd & 4th Wed.
6:30PM online & in person
Pastor Scott and his wife, Barb, labor together building Valley View into a community of rich relationships, where people find acceptance, and connection to Jesus. Scott's passion is to teach and encourage believers to spiritual maturity that is displayed in a life of prayer, holy living and outward focus.